No Explanation Needed, Do as you wish with these posters! Disseminate the Knowledge.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Knowledge Liberation Front Statement
The insurrection is just begun: students and precarious workers of Europe and all around the world are fighting against the cuts in education, austerity policies and precarity. Now we are learning from the unrests in Maghreb and North Africa how to win and wipe-out the global tyrants. A new Europe is sprouting in the Mediterranean revolutions.
The Knowledge Liberation Front - a network of hundred and hundred of groups, organizations and struggles - calls for a press conference in Brussels the Wednesday, 23rd of March, from 11am till 1pm, at the 9th floor of International Trade Union House, 5 boulevard du Roi Albert II. Here, in the trade unions' stronghold located in the symbolic centre of the European bureaucracy of financial capitalism, we will launch three days of actions - 24th, 25th and 26th of March - against the banks and the financialisation of our lives.
We don't fear the crisis, because we are your crisis and your fear: rise up!
Stay tuned: the revolution is on the March!
Call to Action! Common Knowledge Against Financial Capitalism:
24th-25th-26th of March, 2011
We, the student and precarious workers of Europe and all around the world met in Paris over the weekend of the 11th-13th of February, 2011 to discuss and organize a common network based on our common struggles. Our name is Knowledge Liberation Front, and we’re your crisis!
In fact, over the last few years our movement has assumed Europe as the space of conflicts against the corporatization of the university and precariousness. This meeting in Paris and the revolutionary movements across the Mediterranean allow us to take an important step towards a new Europe against austerity, starting from the revolts in Maghreb.
We are a generation who lives precariousness as a permanent condition: the university is no longer an elevator of upward social mobility but rather a factory of precariousness. Nor is the university a closed community: our struggles for a new welfare, against precarity and for the free circulation of knowledge and people don’t stop at its gates.
Our common network is based on our struggles against the Bologna Process and against the education cuts Europe is using as a response to the crisis.
Since the state and private interests collaborate in the corporatization process of the university, our struggles don’t have the aim of defending the status quo. Governments bail out banks and cut education. We want to make our own university – a university that lives in our experiences of autonomous education, alternative research and free schools. It is a free university, run by students, precarious workers and migrants, a university without borders.
We have created and improved our common claims: free access to the university against increasing fees and costs of education, new welfare and common rights against debt and the financialization of our lives, and for an education based on cooperation against competition and hierarchies.
So we, Knowledge Liberation Front, call for common and transnational days of action on the 24th-25th-26th of March, 2011: against banks, debt system and austerity measures, for free education and free circulation of people and knowledge.
Make actions, make autonomy, make our university:
make capitalism history!
Join the Knowledge Liberation Front:
Fighting and cooperating, this is our Common!
Friday, 25 February 2011
UCL in Occupation!
UCL are back in occupation! The teams other there are so organised and efficient, an inspiration to all of us occupiers. So keep an eye on them HERE. There is a great sum up of recent direct action and a list of Current Occupations aswell as lots more information!
They are calling for a general meeting of all Anti Cuts Activists tonight at 6pm in The Old Refectory in the Wilson building. Get your self there and make some links between new activists. We are all in this together and this is only the beginning!
Protest, Strike, OCCUPY!
posted by: @TobiasLuke
They are calling for a general meeting of all Anti Cuts Activists tonight at 6pm in The Old Refectory in the Wilson building. Get your self there and make some links between new activists. We are all in this together and this is only the beginning!
Protest, Strike, OCCUPY!
posted by: @TobiasLuke
Sunday, 20 February 2011
For a New Europe: University Struggles Against Austerity
For a New Europe: University Struggles Against Austerity
We, the student and precarious workers of Europe, Tunisia, Japan, the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Argentina, met in Paris over the weekend of the 11th-13th of February, 2011 to discuss and organize a common network based on our common struggles.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Back in LDN
Paris was an exciting congregation. There now exists an international network, a plan for a coordinated three/four days of international action, and lots of fresh perspectives.
The one item I personally feel I should put up (there are many of us in our collective and this is a personal interest I suppose) is the piece 'Education's napster moment' by a friend of ours, which was read out in a workshop titled 'Autonomous Education.' This workshop had a great promise but seemed to fall on its head a little by the debated clash of 'the education we are fighting for' and 'the education of our fight.' For me this dualism does not exist, and it was a little frustrating to listen to many referential (if extremely well formed) arguments for different autonomous educational structures which took their foundation from already formatted conventions.
So this is the text;
The one item I personally feel I should put up (there are many of us in our collective and this is a personal interest I suppose) is the piece 'Education's napster moment' by a friend of ours, which was read out in a workshop titled 'Autonomous Education.' This workshop had a great promise but seemed to fall on its head a little by the debated clash of 'the education we are fighting for' and 'the education of our fight.' For me this dualism does not exist, and it was a little frustrating to listen to many referential (if extremely well formed) arguments for different autonomous educational structures which took their foundation from already formatted conventions.
So this is the text;
Education’s Napster Moment
As a result of the emergence of a virtual marketplace that encourages the forming of community and the sharing of ideas, we have inadvertently been equipped with the tools needed to undo the current rules of engagement.
Ours is the first generation to be given the toolset by which to produce, collectively organise and display our message/ideology/product to a global audience; an audience that, like you, has an equal opportunity to subvert the current trajectory of our education system.
Universities are collapsing. Not as a result of dramatic cuts but because they represent an outmoded model for their primary function, the exchange of knowledge and research. Like the music industry, the education industry is about to experience the same death blow to its infrastructure and profit model that Napster issued to the music industry back in 1999.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
International Student meeting Paris
Tomorrow a group of us will be leaving for Paris to attend an international meeting to discuss educational struggles and build on networking with europe. Read more here

Lambeth SOS Protest
On Monday we attended a protest outside Lambeth Town Hall in Brixton as the meeting on the budget cuts took place. The turn out was great and the crowd was creative and energetic. Making moves around police the protest occupied the main junction of Brixton stopping rush hour traffic, lots of solidarity horn honks and people joining in on the way home from work.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Dance Against The Deficit Lies!
Everyone get yourselves down to the Dance Against The Deficit on this Friday outside the The Bank of England at 1pm Loads more information here....
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Discussing the Student Occupations at the New Gallery
Happy new year! After a good, short rest, we are back again on Thursday 13th at the New Gallery on Peckham road, just down the way from the main Camberwell building. They will be hosting a discussion on the student occupations, with presentations and debates from members of many of the occupying groups in London. If you haven't been able to make it down to any of the events at the occupations yet, this would be an brilliant way to learn about the way we all work and do things!
Facebook Event Page-New Gallery
Facebook Event Page-New Gallery
Monday, 13 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Still here
Wilson Road is still in occupation!
We're organising a legal briefing on rights and the police for tomorrow, we'll let you know the time as soon as it's confirmed.
Join our mailing list by emailing, follow @camberwellantic or pay us a visit, you can enter the building up until 10pm.
Very special thanks go to the security staff for their patience and courtesy.
We're organising a legal briefing on rights and the police for tomorrow, we'll let you know the time as soon as it's confirmed.
Join our mailing list by emailing, follow @camberwellantic or pay us a visit, you can enter the building up until 10pm.
Very special thanks go to the security staff for their patience and courtesy.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Occupation Continues
We have been so busy from monday on, with our very spontaneous occupation, but tonight were A GROUP OF 36 STRONG! With talks from Pil and Galia Kollectiv, and a workshop from JJ and Gavin of the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination! Plans are made for the big day tomorrow, see you all then!
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